All models are wrong, but some are useful.
A machine learning model can be mebedded into the traditional analysis framework, so as to enhance the predictive capability of the latter.
(Figure from Holland, Baeder etc. 2019)
To improve the model, one wants to find the output of the calibration model that minimizes the model error, i.e. $$ \begin{align} \min_{\vf} &\quad \cJ(\vu;\vf) \\ \mathrm{s.t.} &\quad \cR(\vu;\vf) = 0 \end{align} $$
Two strategies to solve the optimization problem,
The direct approach is solving a slightly different optimization problem, $$ \begin{align} \min_{\vd} &\quad \cJ(\vu;\vd) \\ \mathrm{s.t.} &\quad \cR(\vu;\vd) = 0 \end{align} $$ where $\cJ$ is used the loss function to train the calibration model; the difficulty is the backpropagation through the equality constraint.
Consider the optimization problem in general, $$ \begin{align} \min_{\vtt} &\quad \cJ(\vu;\vtt) \\ \mathrm{s.t.} &\quad \cR(\vu;\vtt) = 0 \end{align} $$ where $\cR(\vu;\vtt) = 0$ is a set of $N$ equations representing the numerical discretization of a PDE. The size of $\vu$ can be way larger than the size of the design variables $\vtt$.
Given the design variables $\vtt^*$, the PDE is usually solved by a certain form of the Newton-Raphson method, $$ \begin{align} \ppf{\cR}{\vu}\Delta\vu^i &= -\cR(\vu^i,\vtt^*) \\ \vu^{i+1} &= \vu^i + \Delta\vu^i \end{align} $$ where the first equation is typically solved using an iterative method.
For optimization, one wants the full derivative of $\cJ(\vu;\vtt)$ w.r.t. $\vtt$, i.e. $$ \ddf{\cJ(\vu;\vtt)}{\vtt} = \ppf{\cJ}{\vu}\ppf{\vu}{\vtt} + \ppf{\cJ}{\vtt} $$ where $\ppf{\vu}{\vtt}$ is non-trivial to compute.
From the constraint, one knows, $$ \ddf{\cR(\vu;\vtt)}{\vtt} = \ppf{\cR}{\vu}\ppf{\vu}{\vtt} + \ppf{\cR}{\vtt} = 0 $$ or $$ \ppf{\vu}{\vtt} = \left(-\ppf{\cR}{\vu}\right)^{-1}\ppf{\cR}{\vtt} $$
Therefore, $$ \ddf{\cJ(\vu;\vtt)}{\vtt} = \ppf{\cJ}{\vu}\left(-\ppf{\cR}{\vu}\right)^{-1}\ppf{\cR}{\vtt} + \ppf{\cJ}{\vtt} $$
Now let $$ \vtf^T = -\ppf{\cJ}{\vu}\left(\ppf{\cR}{\vu}\right)^{-1} $$ or $$ \left(\ppf{\cR}{\vu}\right)^T\vtf = -\left(\ppf{\cJ}{\vu}\right)^T $$
This last equation is called the Adjoint Equation, and $\vtf$ is called the Adjoint Variable.
As a result, the full derivate of $\cJ(\vu;\vtt)$ w.r.t. $\vtt$ is computed as follows,
Introduce a vector of Lagrange multipliers $\vtf$ $$ \cL(\vu;\vtt) = \cJ(\vu;\vtt) + \vtf^T \cR(\vu;\vtt) $$
Now one wants the full derivative of $\cL(\vu;\vtt)$ w.r.t. $\vtt$, i.e. $$ \ddf{\cL(\vu;\vtt)}{\vtt} = \ppf{\cJ}{\vu}\ppf{\vu}{\vtt} + \ppf{\cJ}{\vtt} + \vtf^T\left( \ppf{\cR}{\vu}\ppf{\vu}{\vtt} + \ppf{\cR}{\vtt} \right) $$
The RHS is $$ \ppf{\cJ}{\vtt} + \vtf^T\ppf{\cR}{\vtt} + \left(\ppf{\cJ}{\vu} + \vtf^T\ppf{\cR}{\vu}\right)\ppf{\vu}{\vtt} $$
One can eliminate $\ppf{\vu}{\vtt}$ by setting the bracket to zero, $$ \ppf{\cJ}{\vu} + \vtf^T\ppf{\cR}{\vu} = 0 $$ or the adjoint equation $$ \left(\ppf{\cR}{\vu}\right)^T\vtf = -\left(\ppf{\cJ}{\vu}\right)^T $$
When a multi-physics problem is considered, which is not uncommon in the field of engineering, the optimization problem becomes $$ \begin{align} \min_{\vtt} &\quad \cJ(\vU;\vtt) \\ \mathrm{s.t.} &\quad \cR_j(\vU;\vtt) = 0,\quad j=1,\cdots,m \end{align} $$ where $m$ PDE's are involved, with unknowns $\vU=\{\vu_1,\cdots,\vu_m\}$.
Introduce a set of Lagrange multipliers, or the adjoint variables, $$ \cL(\vU;\vtt) = \cJ(\vU;\vtt) + \sum_{j=1}^m \vtf_j^T \cR_j(\vU;\vtt) $$
Take the full derivative, $$ \begin{align} \ddf{\cL(\vu;\vtt)}{\vtt} &= \ppf{\cJ}{\vU}\ppf{\vU}{\vtt} + \ppf{\cJ}{\vtt} + \sum_{j=1}^m \vtf_j^T\left( \ppf{\cR_j}{\vU}\ppf{\vU}{\vtt} + \ppf{\cR_j}{\vtt} \right) \\ &= \ppf{\cJ}{\vtt} + \sum_{j=1}^m \vtf_j^T\ppf{\cR_j}{\vtt} + \sum_{j=1}^m \left(\vtf_j^T\ppf{\cR_j}{\vU} + \ppf{\cJ}{\vU}\right)\ppf{\vU}{\vtt} \end{align} $$
A set of $m$ coupled adjoint equations is identified as $$ \sum_{j=1}^m \left(\ppf{\cR_j}{\vu_i}\right)^T\vtf_j = \left(\ppf{\cJ}{\vu_i}\right)^T,\quad i=1,\cdots,m $$
We solve a 1D advection-diffusion equation for $x\in [0,1]$ $$ p u' - u'' = f(x;\vtt),\quad u(0)=u_0,\ u'(1)=n_1 $$ where $p$ is a constant, representing wave speed.
The RHS contains some unknown parameters $$ f(x;\vtt) = x^2 + \theta_1 x + \theta_2 $$
Suppose we know a solution $u^*$ found at the true parameters $\theta^*$. To infer $\theta^*$ from $u^*$, we solve $$ \begin{align*} \min_{\vtt} &\quad J(u;\vtt) \equiv \int_0^1 (u-u^*)^2 dx \\ \mathrm{s.t.} &\quad p u' - u'' = f(x;\vtt),\quad u(0)=u_0,\ u'(1)=n_1 \end{align*} $$
xx = np.linspace(0,1,41)
f = plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
plt.plot(xx, fu(xx));
We use a generic Galerkin method to discretize the differential equation and the objective.
Specifically, we pick $N$ Legendre polynomials as basis functions, and represent the solution as $$ u(x) = \sum_{i=1}^N u_i\psi_i(x) \equiv \vty^T(x) \vu $$
f, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(8,4))
for _i in range(0,5):
ax[0].plot(xx, eval_leg0(_i, xx), label=f"Order={_i}")
ax[1].plot(xx, eval_leg1(_i, xx))
ax[0].set_title("Legendre polynomials")
The objective is converted to a quadratic form, $$ \cJ(\vu;\vtt) = \int_0^1 \left( \vty^T\vu - u^* \right)^2 dx \equiv \vu^T \vM \vu - 2\vu^T \vm + \text{const} $$ where $$ \vM = \int_0^1 \vty\vty^T dx,\quad \vm = \int_0^1 \vty u^* dx $$
The equation is converted to a linear system,
\cR(\vu;\vtt) = \vA\vu - \vb(\vtt) = 0
where for the formulation of $\vA$ see the Differential Equations
slides in Math review, and
\vb(\vtt) = \int_0^1 \vty f(x,\vtt) dx
This brings us to the standard form: $$ \begin{align*} \min_{\vtt} &\quad \cJ(\vu;\vtt) \\ \mathrm{s.t.} &\quad \cR(\vu;\vtt) = 0 \end{align*} $$ Now suppose we start with an initial guess, say $\vtt^{(0)}=[10.0, 10.0]$.
Then, to use the adjoint formulation to obtain the gradients for optimization $\ddf{\cL(\vu;\vtt)}{\vtt}$ at $\vtt^{(0)}$ -
First, we solve $\vu^{(0)}$ at $\vtt^{(0)}$. Clearly this is totally off.
theta0 = [10.0, 10.0]
sol, mats = galerkin(M, N, p, ub, nb, theta0)
compare_sol(sol, fu, 41);
Then, we solve the adjoint problem $$ \left(\ppf{\cR}{\vu}\right)^T\vtf = -\left(\ppf{\cJ}{\vu}\right)^T $$ where $\ppf{\cR}{\vu}=\vA$, $\ppf{\cJ}{\vu}=(2\vM\vu-2\vm)^T$
And evaluate the gradients $$ \ddf{\cL(\vu;\vtt)}{\vtt} = \ppf{\cJ}{\vtt} + \vtf^T \ppf{\cR}{\vtt} $$ where $\ppf{\cJ}{\vtt}=0$ and $\ppf{\cR}{\vtt}=-\ppf{\vb}{\vtt}$
Adjoint-based gradients, verified by finite difference:
# Adjoint
sol, mats = galerkin(M, N, p, ub, nb, theta0) # Forward solve
_, gda = galerkin_da(sol, mats, obj) # Adjoint/Backward solve
# Finite difference, using a SciPy function
def Jfd(qs):
sol, _ = galerkin(M, N, p, ub, nb, qs)
d, _ = obj(sol)
return d
gfd = approx_fprime(theta0, Jfd)
print(f"Adjoint: {gda}, FD: {gfd}")
Adjoint: [0.04238442 0.09196361], FD: [0.04238444 0.09196366]
Now let's use a vanilla optimizer from SciPy to solve the problem (i.e., train the model)
def Jda(qs):
sol, mats = galerkin(M, N, p, ub, nb, qs)
fun, grd = galerkin_da(sol, mats, obj)
return fun, grd
res = minimize(Jda, theta0, method="l-bfgs-b", jac=True)
fun: 7.840073109167548e-09 hess_inv: <2x2 LbfgsInvHessProduct with dtype=float64> jac: array([-2.01714204e-08, -4.43224716e-08]) message: 'CONVERGENCE: NORM_OF_PROJECTED_GRADIENT_<=_PGTOL' nfev: 8 nit: 4 njev: 8 status: 0 success: True x: array([ 0.00034045, -0.00022833])
# Check the converged solutions, i.e., "learned" model
sol, mats = galerkin(M, N, p, ub, nb, res.x)
compare_sol(sol, fu, 41);
# Note that much more cost would be incurred if we optimize
# by BRUTAL force (i.e., finite difference)
res = minimize(Jfd, theta0, method="l-bfgs-b", jac=False)
print(res) # Look at `nfev`: function evaluation
fun: 7.840448019872488e-09 hess_inv: <2x2 LbfgsInvHessProduct with dtype=float64> jac: array([-3.35777998e-08, -7.81670232e-08]) message: 'CONVERGENCE: NORM_OF_PROJECTED_GRADIENT_<=_PGTOL' nfev: 24 nit: 4 njev: 8 status: 0 success: True x: array([ 0.00038461, -0.00025382])
Key take-away: Adjoint formulation enables machine learning with large scale simulations.
(Figure from Neustock et al. Nature 2019)