Department seminar by Dr. Shaowu Pan from RPI

Neural Implicit Flow A mesh-agnostic representation paradigm for spatio-temporal fields

Published: Apr 27, 2023 by Daning Huang

We hosted Dr. Shaowu Pan from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for a seminar in our department. Dr. Pan’s expertise lies in the intersection between computational fluid dynamics, data-driven modeling of complex systems, scientific machine learning, and dynamical systems.

Abstract Fluid dynamics exhibits complex, multi-scale spatial structure, chaotic dynamics in time, and bifurcation in the relevant parameters. Among these challenges, spatial complexity is the major barrier to modeling and control of fluid dynamics, which motivates the need for dimensionality reduction. Existing paradigms, such as proper orthogonal decomposition or convolutional autoencoders, both struggle to accurately and efficiently represent flow structures for problems requiring variable geometry, nonuniform grid resolution (e.g., wall-bounded flows, flow phenomenon induced by small geometry features), adaptive mesh refinement, or parameter-dependent meshes. To resolve these difficulties, we propose Neural Implicit Flow (NIF) as a general framework that enables a compact and flexible dimension reduction of large-scale, parametric, spatial-temporal data into mesh-agnostic fixed-length representations. This work complements existing meshless methods, e.g., physics-informed neural networks, and we focus specifically on obtaining reduced coordinates where modeling and control tasks may be performed more efficiently. We apply our mesh-agnostic approach to several fluid flows, including flow past a cylinder, sea surface temperature data, and 3D homogeneous isotropic turbulence. In these examples, we demonstrate the utility of NIF for parametric surrogate modeling, efficient differential query in space, learning non-linear manifolds, and the interpretable low-rank decomposition of fluid flow data.