Published: Dec 29, 2022 by Daning Huang
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For the coming AIAA SciTech 2023 conference we are able to complete and submit two papers spanning over a range of research fields, with our collaborators. Here are the summaries:
Aeroelastic Scaling
Design of an Aeroelastically Scaled Model in a Compressed Air Wind Tunnel Facility Using Multifidelity Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization
- Daning Huang, Ashwin Renganathan, Mark A. Miller
- This paper presents the design of a geometrically nonlinear aeroelastically scaled model in a compressed air wind tunnel (CAWT) facility using a two-pronged approach that integrates the classical dimensional analysis and a systematic multi-disciplinary optimization procedure.
- This is unique combination of three research groups at Penn State - our computational modeling in aeroelasticity and numerical scaling methodology, Dr. Renganathan’s Bayesian optimization techniques, and Dr. Miller’s one-of-a-kind CAWT facility.
- Here are the 10-min slides for this paper.
Landing of eVTOL
Optimal Landing Control of eVTOL Vehicles Using ODE-Based Aerodynamic Model
- Zhenbo Wang, Yufei Wu, Daning Huang
- We propose a novel approach to optimal landing control of electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicles for potentially wide applications such as urban air mobility (UAM), passenger transportation, package delivery, and aircraft carrier landing missions.
- Particularly we aim to develop efficient algorithms that facilitate generation of accurate optimal landing trajectories for eVTOL vehicles under operational constraints considering high-fidelity aerodynamic models.